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“Play button” inside of icon

Hey Gary. This is a small issue but one that bugs me. I have two iMacs, one 20″ and other 27″. Both have Snow Leopard and up to date. But on the 27″ when ever I place a audio or video file on desktop I do not get that “play button” inside the icon yet I get it on the 20″ iMac. Is this a simple setting that I may have set? Thanks

— Michael

Comments: 2 Responses to ““Play button” inside of icon”

    14 years ago

    That's part of Snow Leopard's "enhanced icon view" that lets you play videos and flip through PDF files. But it only works if the icons are 64x64 or larger. My guess is that the other machine has them at 48x48 (the default). You can change the icon size by clicking on the desktop, and then Command+J (View, Show View Options).

    14 years ago

    Ha! Thanks again that makes sense because I did in fact change the icon size. I knew it was something I did and you would have the answer. Enjoy your weekend.

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