10 Reasons You Should Be Using AirDrop To Transfer Files

AirDrop is the best way to transfer files between Apple devices in most cases. Learn why you should be using AirDrop instead of file sharing or cloud services for file transfer.

Comments: 17 Responses to “10 Reasons You Should Be Using AirDrop To Transfer Files”

    David Marquez
    1 year ago

    Which is better; Airdrop or Save to Files?

    1 year ago

    David: Not sure what you mean. "Save to Files" would be an option if you were, say, downloading something from the Internet to your device. AirDrop is a device-to-device transfer.

    William Taylor
    1 year ago

    I have an iPhone 13 and a Mac and I cannot get the phone to transfer a file on Air Drop because I get the screen on the phone that says 'No people found' 'there is no one nearby to share with', and I am sitting right next to the Mac. Why can't the phone see the Mac? It does in other applications.

    1 year ago

    William: Make sure you have Wi-Fi and Bluetooth on for the Mac, check in the Finder AirDrop window on your Mac to make sure it is set to Everyone (or Contacts as long as you are using your same Apple ID, etc).

    Zaph Mann
    1 year ago

    specifically going from phone to mac (Mini) all latest ios/osx I don't get a notification on my mac like you did in the video.... can't work out why...?

    1 year ago

    Hi Gary.... great video. I have been lazy to learn about AirDrop even though I have been a Mac User since 1992. I am curious if I can send an IOS app from my iPhone to my iPad and visa versa.
    Thanks for all the great content you share with us.

    1 year ago

    Zaph: What was it you were transferring? I mention in the video that if it is going from you to you (same Apple ID) and there are no choices (like a photo may go to the Photos library or as a file) then there's no need to ask for anything.

    1 year ago

    Lindy: No, for apps, just get them from the App Store on both devices.

    1 year ago

    Thanks Gary. Airdrop is great, but I realised recently that when airdropping photos some of the meta data is not automatically transferred e.g. depth of field information for a portrait photo. This requires the sender to always tap "options" on the Airdrop interface and then select "All Photos Data". Messy. Also this setting is not "sticky" so it is necessary to go through this process every time a new Airdrop is initiated. Any thoughts? Regards Michael

    1 year ago

    Gary, My Mac Studio and iPhone are within 6 inches of each other. Both have BT turned on and both are signed into the same iCloud account. I can't Airdrop a file from my Mac to my iPhone unless I have Everyone for 10 minutes activated on my iPhone, similarly, I can't Airdrop a file from my iPhone to my Mac unless I have Everyone activated on my Mac. Any ideas as to what I may be doing wrong?

    1 year ago

    Jonathan: So what you are saying is "Everyone" works, but "Contacts Only" does not? Are you in your own Contacts (In the Contacts app use Card, Go to My Card). Make sure your Apple ID is listed, the one you actually use as your official Apple ID and make sure it isn't a variant like the @me.com version when it should be @mac.com or @icloud.com, etc. If that doesn't work, call Apple Support and have them walk you though some things.

    1 year ago

    Gary, just spent 2.5 hours going through the various levels of apple support to no avail. The bottom line is that Airdrop will not work between my iPad, iPhone, MacBook Pro and Studio when the receiving device is set for Contacts Only even though all devices are signed into my iCloud account and my contact card is correctly configured and shared between all 4 devices. Interestingly my devices Airdrop recognize that my wife is in my contacts when she airdrops from her phone to my Studio.

    Rick Isaacs
    1 year ago

    On the MacBook Pro (Intel) running macOS Monterey Version 12.6.5, if the
    FireWall is ON, then the following setting should also be set
    Security & Privacy
    FireWall: ON
    - sharingd - Allow incoming connections
    If the -sharingd is -Block incoming connections, then
    the MacBook Pro will see the iPad/iPhone, but on the iPad/iPhone the message 'Waiting'
    will be flashing when AirDrop is selected to send to the MacBook Pro,
    a transfer from the iPad/iPhone to the MacBook Pro is not possible.

    Michael L
    1 year ago

    I have found that airDrop is useful for this case: I am editing MS Word doc on my MacStudio, and I want to continue editing it on my MacBook, say out on the porch. If I simply wait for iCloud to sync the recent edits from my MacStudio to my iCloud Doc folder on the MacBook, I often have to wait several hours (btw, is there a way to rush that?). But if I use airDrop, it pushes the edited updated file immediately into my MacBook copy of the file in iCloud Docs folder, overwriting old copy. Great!

    1 year ago

    Michael: You shouldn't have to wait hours for iCloud Drive to sync. It should be seconds. Not sure why it isn't working properly for you. Perhaps contact Apple Support to get to the bottom of that.

    Linda Dodson
    1 year ago

    Thank You. In your tutorial for air drop on Mac, you were in Files and then brought up Air Drop and then dragged files into Air Drop. The air drop window was on top of the file window and was easy to drag and drop. When I bring up Air Drop is is alone and not on top of files and I couldn't drag and drop anything. Do I need to change a setting for windows so they can piggyback like yours? Thank You for your tutorials.

    1 year ago

    Linda: It sounds like maybe you aren't opening a second Finder window. Go to File, New Finder Window to open a second Finder window. Then go to AirDrop in that window, leaving your original window there to drag from.

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