Move the Menu Bar Below the Camera Notch On Your MacBook

There is a hidden option for some apps that allows you to move the Menu Bar below the MacBook camera notch when in Full Screen mode. In addition, you can adjust the screen resolution of your MacBook if you want to get rid of the notch completely.

Comments: 4 Responses to “Move the Menu Bar Below the Camera Notch On Your MacBook”

    3 months ago

    Thanks bunches

    3 months ago

    I use "Say No to Notch" on the Mac App Store. Works so well I forgot that my Mac has a notch.

    It moves the menu bar down below the notch. This is useful when filming classes for apps that exist on both Mac and Windows.

    Ray Johnston
    3 months ago

    Is there a similar "fix" for iPhone 15 applications that need to stay "below the notch?"

    3 months ago

    Ray: No, I don't think so. If you run into that, contact the developer as they should control that in the app.

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