Using the Mac News App Even If You Don't Like News

You can use the News app as a customized article feed only from sources you want to see. So instead of reading about world news, politics or finance, you can make it your tech news, science news or entertainment news app.

Comments: 9 Responses to “Using the Mac News App Even If You Don't Like News”

    3 months ago

    I've never bothered with the news channel before. So, thank you for this.

    sharon saccocci
    3 months ago

    I do not have the settings selection in my news.

    3 months ago

    sharon: So you are saying when you select the News menu at the top, there is no Settings option there? None at all? Should be the second item, right under About News.

    3 months ago

    Very, very helpful - thanks.
    Is it possible to have the article verbalized so you can listen to it? If so, what are the settings.

    3 months ago

    Bill: Edit, Speech, Start Speaking.

    Bill Sinclair
    3 months ago

    Not available in Europe!

    Fiona McGrory
    3 months ago

    Not available in New Zealand either. Is this a U.S. only app? A very helpful video all the same!

    3 months ago

    Fiona: Available in more than the U.S., but not everywhere.

    Robert Douglass
    2 months ago

    Here's a 'bonus' tip... I used to pay $$ for WSJ subscription. Now, if I see an article on the web from WSJ, of course, I'm blocked from reading it, because I don't have their 'subscription'. BUT, I do have Apple News +, which INCLUDES WSJ. So, I just do what Gary demonstrated... click on the Share button, and drop down to 'open in news'... TaDaa... there's the whole article presented in Apple News. :) Works 99.9% of the time.

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