Click a menu item
Application("TextEdit").activate(); var app = Application("System Events").processes["TextEdit"]; app.menuBars[0].menus.byName("File").menuItems[ "New" ].click();
Click a menu item in a submenu
Application("TextEdit").activate(); var app = Application("System Events").processes["TextEdit"]; app.menuBars[0].menus.byName("Edit").menuItems[ "Insert" ].menus[ "Insert" ].menuItems[ "Line Break" ].click();
Press a key
Application("System Events").keystroke('a')
Press a key with a modifier
Application("System Events").keystroke('a', { using: ['command down'] })
Press the left arrow key:
Application("System Events").keyCode(123) // 124=right, 125=down, 126=up, 36=Return
Click General in System Settings
Application("System Settings").activate() var app = Application("System Events").processes["System Settings"];[0].groups[0].splitterGroups[0].groups[0].scrollAreas[0].outlines[0].rows[12].select() // Note: General may not be the 12th item for you, // you'll need to experiment
Print and then Click PDF in TextEdit:
Application("TextEdit").activate() Application("System Events").keystroke('p', { using: ['command down'] }) Application("System Events").processes["TextEdit"].windows[0].sheets[0].splitterGroups[0].groups[1].buttons[0].click() // Note: The PDF button may not be at this location // depending on many factors
Script Editor JavaScript to help find user interface elements:
// Note this is JavaScript so make sure your // Script Editor window is set to JavaScript // NOT AppleScript listObjects(Application("System Events").processes["System Settings"].windows(), "" ) function listObjects(uiObjects, indentStr) { for (var i in uiObjects) { if(uiObjects[i] instanceof Array) { listObjects(uiObjects[i], indentStr + ' ') } else if(uiObjects[i] instanceof Object){ console.log('' + indentStr + i + ' Name:' + uiObjects[i].name() + ', Class:' + uiObjects[i].class() + ', Desc:' + uiObjects[i].description() + ', Value:' + uiObjects[i].value()); listObjects(uiObjects[i].uiElements(), indentStr + ' ') } } }
Very clever, Gary. Thank you! I guess we should presume that those indices (e.g. 12 for the General System Settings selection) might change in future macOS updates.
Ken: Not just in future updates, but from Mac to Mac. You will have different items in a MacBook vs a Mac mini, for instance. You may see different things depending on your settings and what you have installed too.