10 Simple Ways To Improve a Photo in the Mac Photos App

You don't need to be an expert at photo adjustment controls to make your photos look a little better. By just using a few of the basic tools, including some that are a single click, you can improve your photos.

Comments: 9 Responses to “10 Simple Ways To Improve a Photo in the Mac Photos App”

    su gould
    3 months ago

    Video that went through the choices step-by-step was marvelous. Have been so wrapped up in using Adobe Photoshop that I hadn't noticed how much improved Photos was on my Mac. This is much simpler. Thank you.

    John Weiner
    3 months ago

    At 3:39 and the discussion following, concerning the same image; there are saturated 'highlights' around the nose and left (i. e. right as we observe it) cheek that look "bothersome" to me. Too much saturation...how to eliminate it?

    3 months ago

    John: At 3:39? Not sure what you mean. If you have highlights you want to get rid of, try lowering "Highlights" like I mentioned. Also the other lighting controls.

    3 months ago

    Thanks bunches

    Ron Hunter
    3 months ago

    The more I learn about Photos (thanks Gary!) the more I'm tempted to leave Lightroom. Photos meets my needs for editing, but the organizational capability of Lightroom keeps me "straddling the fence".

    3 months ago

    Thank you for the tutorial on photos. It was great and I have learnt heaps

    3 months ago

    Thanks for this video.
    As you said, sometimes all the options for editing can be overwhelming!

    3 months ago

    Great video full of useful tips! Does the Photos app allow you to make these changes to RAW images and JPEG both?
    Thank you.

    3 months ago

    RJP1: Yes.

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