10 Tips for Using Split View on a Mac

Split View is a simple useful multitasking tool that lets you work with exactly two windows at the same time. Here are some tips to get the most out of Split View.

Comments: 7 Responses to “10 Tips for Using Split View on a Mac”

    Bent Tjørnemark
    2 years ago

    Thanks Gary. I have a Pages document and a Numbers document open. For one of these I chose “tile window to left screen”. It works. Then I take the pointer to the other document and get the message: “Not Available in this Split View.”

    I have done “System Settings, Desktop & Dock, Displays Separate Spaces turned on”. and I have logged out and in.

    Split Screen does not seem to work for me.

    2 years ago

    Bent: Sounds like there isn't enough space for it. Maybe adjust your screen resolution?

    Bent Tjørnemark
    2 years ago

    Thank you Gary. It solved my problem.

    robert gramling
    2 years ago

    THX Gary. I will be able to make this work for me re Sorting Photos to folders.

    Terry McDaniel
    2 years ago


    Hazel Morgan
    1 year ago

    Hi Gary, You explain things well. I can do the split screen thing, but it doesn't last. I used to be able to have say Mail up and be able to keep that screen 1/2 of the desktop, then go to Safari or photos, etc. and another window would come up. Now if I add a window the Mail one disappears, and if I go back to Mail, etc. the new window disappears. So now I have to do what you describe every time I want to have a split screen, which is constant. What happened to the automatic method?

    1 year ago

    Hazel: I'm not sure what you are describing here. As long you don't quit those apps or close those windows the Split View should remain.

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