10 Tips To Get the Most From iCloud

Here are some useful tips for getting even more from your iCloud service. You can backup and sync photos from cameras using just your iPhone, create family Calendars and shared Notes, you can even add funds to your Apple account so you don't have to pay a few dollars every month.

Comments: 9 Responses to “10 Tips To Get the Most From iCloud”

    Ian MacGregor
    6 years ago

    I've wanted to share a file that is in a folder on iCloud Drive but I don't want anyone to access other folders. How does the security work here? When I was learning how to admin a server and write HTML files I learned about .htaccess server overrides. How do I prevent others from viewing files in iCloud Drive that I haven't shared?

    Ian MacGregor
    6 years ago

    Gary, never mind.. I figured it out. I set up a test html file and shared it with myself via email. The actual file is copied and shared rather than sending a URL, and the shared copy is placed in the download location on their device with no reference to the file's original location prior to sharing. I really like how Apple handled the sharing mechanism. I'll be more comfortable sharing files in the future. Thank you for this.. I learned something new.

    Mr. Luigi
    6 years ago

    IMO, the biggest limitation of iCloud is that you can only share with someone who has an Apple ID. I know Apple loves to keep folks in their ecosystem, but I think this functionality limitation really holds iCloud back as a viable alternative to services like Dropbox, etc.

    6 years ago

    Mr. Luigi: But that's not true. You can share and set a file to "Anyone with the link." Then people can download it without iCloud.

    Ian MacGregor
    6 years ago

    Gary: The “Anyone with the link” functionality works great. It even anonymizes the link by giving the iCloud dot com TLD instead of the file owner’s iCloud Drive location. I love the way Apple has preserved our privacy while making file sharing so easy.

    Mr. Luigi
    6 years ago

    OMG! Thanks Gary. I didn't know that iCloud has always had that sharing functionality. You're my favorite YouTube channel and learning new things like this is one reason why.

    6 years ago

    Instead of adding funds, I buy discounted iTunes gift cards. Costco usually has a couple of sales a year where you can get 100$ for $75 I buy a few of those and load them to my account plus I get cash back from Costco for the purchase for a double win.

    Laverne Lachapelle
    6 years ago

    I have asked this question on two forums and never received an answer I understood.
    In Sys Prefs > iCloud > there is a box you can check for Mail.
    In Sys Prefs > iCloud > at the top is the button for iCloud Drive Options... In the next window, there is another box you can check for Mail.
    1. If I check the box for Mail in the iCloud, but not iCloud Drive what happens?
    2. If I check the box for Mail in iCloud drive, but not in iCloud, what happens?
    3. If I check the box for Mail in both?

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