19 Tips For Using Desktop Widgets On Your Mac

The new Desktop Widgets feature of macOS Sonoma makes widgets more useful than ever before. Here are some ideas on how you can use this new powerful feature to get the most from your Mac.

Comments: 7 Responses to “19 Tips For Using Desktop Widgets On Your Mac”

    10 months ago

    Thanks bunches

    10 months ago

    Gary, as always, great video. I find that iPhone widgets are "informative" but not "interactive"on the macOS desktop. For example, theScore iPhone widget on my macOS desktop will provide scores for my favourite teams but selecting different teams, getting news, etc. is a no go, it tells me to open my iPhone (same issue for my iPhone electric car widget). This severely limits iPhone widget functionality on the macOS desktop. Question: Is there a workaround?

    10 months ago

    Joel: I think you just need to tell the maker of that widget to add more functionality to it. You can't change how an app works, the developer must do that.

    10 months ago

    Gary, appreciated and done!

    10 months ago

    Gary, I have a Calculator shortcut in my Shortcut app but is not showing up in the Shortcut Widgets list. Any suggestions on diagnosing this? thx

    10 months ago

    nick: Not sure why it wouldn't be there. Compare the settings for that Shortcut with the settings for other Shortcuts that do show up and see if there is a difference.

    10 months ago

    Thanks Gary. I initially thought that desktop widgets were a bit of a novelty feature, but your tutorial has helped make the feature a really helpful addition to my MacBook usage. I particularly like the idea of "storing" widgets in the Control Centre. Regards Michael.

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