MacMost Now 174: 2009 Apple Wish List

Gary Rosenzweig spells out his wishes for Apple in 2009. Items include copy and paste on the iPhone, a better Apple TV, new Mac Minis, and no more DRM at the iTunes store.

Comments: 10 Responses to “MacMost Now 174: 2009 Apple Wish List”

    16 years ago

    hey gary. you're pretty spot on with your wishlist. gotta say, after listening to all your points, it made me feel like apple is actually kinda lame. haha!

    one thing i wanted to point out that you were mistaken on, not ALL itunes files are protected with drm; the itunes + files are unprotected, as well as being better quality - 256k. i was very happy when they launched this option and wish more labels/artists would take advantage of it.

    as a music podcaster, i find the old drm files to be a pain in the butt because even though an artist may have given me permission to play their track, i can not import those protected files into garageband! so then i'm forced into a technically illegal workaround...

    anyway, good list! take care and i'll be podcasting right alongside ya through the end of the year. :)

    16 years ago

    Great show Gary!
    Very good list for Apple to work on. Copy & Paste, iPhone as a modem, Mobile Social Friendly should have been here by now.
    As I stated before, I still think adding a "Print" feature to iPhone is over due too. I own a wireless printer hooked up to my home network (Apple extreme base station) that can also connect viva bluetooth. How cool would it be to be able to print an e-mail, document or photograph off my iPhone with out using a cable?
    Other smartphone have this feature, surely Apple can add this. It is part of the OS right?

    16 years ago

    Daniel: A print feature is a great idea. I love it.

    Phaku Malatji
    16 years ago

    I'd like to know if you think its safe to do internet banking on the iphone.



    16 years ago

    Phaku: Yes. As long as the bank app or Web site encrypts the data, it is safe. Sure is a lot safer than giving your credit card to a waiter or getting your statement delivered to your mailbox.

    16 years ago

    anji: I was disappointed in the "plus" option. While it didn't have DRM, I didn't like the fact that they charged so much more for it. I'm not sure if they still do. But it seemed to me that even at 256kbps, it still is inferior to CD (not that any human ear can tell) and actually costs more than buying the CD. I still continue to buy music on CD -- same price or cheaper, no DRM, high quality, can put on my Mac, iPod, iPhone or any device, and comes with a backup (the CD itself). That's what I recommend to most people.

    16 years ago

    1. Java JRE 1.6 (JDK 6)support. I do Java development and Apple is stuck at JRE 1.5(JDK 5). I can get JRE 1.6for Linux or Windows.
    2. Cheaper RAID for hard drive. Why is there such a high price for RAID relative to Dell? This is a rip off. My company will be upgrading a programming computers to the new core I7. MacPros are awe some but they will not be considered because of the RAID penalty. BTW, the software developers would be just as happy booting windows on a MacPro as a Dell if the RAID penalty wasn't so high.
    3. End the key confusion! Apple should have the ability to dynamically change the keyboard short cuts as a function of the application or 'space' instead of having one global mapping that overrides any application short cuts. Many of my NetBeans short cuts conflict with apple short cuts. When the Finder or any Apple application has the focus use Apple system short cuts. When I am in Netbeans I want the Netbeans shortcuts to take priority over the operating system short cuts. I did find a way to map the short cuts in the preference panes. I must use command F9 for expose' because F9 has a different function under NetBeans. Basically I had to change all apple short cuts to use the apple key. Normal windows and Linux apps use the control and alt(option) key so they should conflict. However, NetBeans is somewhat 'Applefied' in that it uses the command key instead of the control key like it does in windows.

    If I can't get the keyboard shortcuts to be configurable by application then by 'space' in spaces. I can put NetBeans in space two had provide a different mapping there. There is still the issue of how to change spaces with a short cut key that doesn't conflict with an applications short cut.

    4 Fix Safari. The latest version of Safari get in a mode where it uses up all my CPU power. I am now using Firefox almost exclusively.

    Peter Nachtwey

    16 years ago

    1/ Bluetooth on the iPod Touch so that a wireless keyboard could be used.

    2/ Mac Mini update to include new intel quad core processor and new Apple video connector. Mini could then replace iMac when coupled with new Apple display (mini could even run off the notebook power connection from the display).

    3/ Apple Tablet to be a very simple computer (about the power of a netbook), but capable of linking to a more powerful system (?macmini) in screen sharing mode to use the remote systems processing power and storage. Tablet on its own would be for web surfing and mail (and music).

    16 years ago


    A great list indeed. Hopefully, someone out there at Apple is watching your video and reading these entries. The only one I would add to the iPhone repertoire is the ability to email multiple photos at once.

    Congrats on an other great year of what I consider the best video podcast out there targeted to the Mac community.


    16 years ago

    IPHONE NANO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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