2024/2025 Mac Buying Guide

If you are shopping for a new Mac at the end of 2024 or the start of 2025, here are the factors you should consider.

Comments: 9 Responses to “2024/2025 Mac Buying Guide”

    Ralph Woodard
    4 weeks ago

    Hey Gary, hope things are fine with you and everyone. Just wondering if this neck buying guide is a downloadable guide that can be printed out. Let me know thanks for all the hard work you do on your site to help us under achievers.

    4 weeks ago

    Ralph: No, sorry, there's nothing to download. It is just a web video like all of my others.

    Ray Alston
    4 weeks ago

    As an inferior alternative, Ralph could copy and paste the video transcript of this excellent video.

    Donald Webster
    4 weeks ago

    I guess the above answered my question. BUT, is there a printed guide for purchase as a user's guide to Sequoia 15.1?

    4 weeks ago

    Donald: Like a book? I honestly don't know. Could be still some publishers putting out books. Check Amazon.

    Bruce Mann
    4 weeks ago

    As a 40 year Mac user I have to reiterate the advice about storage since you cannot upgrade it later. Get the most you can afford. And (again if you can afford it) maybe twice what you think you'll need. You won't believe how easily it gets used up. Listen to Gary's advice on this.

    Cheryl Fleming
    4 weeks ago

    Great advice! As always, I appreciate your sharing your knowledge and expertise.Many thanks, Gary.

    Andrew Maybin
    4 weeks ago

    @Donald Webster...Hi, it's worth searching for the "take control" series of books. I buy a few for specific Mac related things and they are excellent. There is one on Sequoia.

    2 weeks ago

    I opted for a M4 iMac with 2TB storage 16 ram full keyboard in green. For me, I just enjoy the simplicity. We actually received $130 for our 2019 Mac. I still have a 1987 iMac in the attic with a Apple printer...and an older 2017iMac

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