Apple issued its quarterly report yesterday showing a $1.21 billion profit and an increase in iPhone and iPod sales. However, Mac sales were down three percent compared to the same quarter last year. More than 2 million Macs were sold in the quarter, with a majority being laptops.
iPod sales continue to be strong, with more then 11 million sold and a 70 percent market share. Almost 800,000 iPhones were sold as well, with more then 21 million iPhones in use today. Apple also had more than $1 billion in revenue from music and related products, probably mostly iTunes music sales.
In other news, several news agencies are re-reporting the existence of a trojan horse virus that was discovered months ago. The trojan came with hacked versions of iWork 09 found on bit torrent networks. While the trojan is real, it is only a concern if you downloaded an infected illegal copy of iWork 09. Those purchasing iWork from Apple or downloading the demo from Apple are not affected. This makes it a very different situation from Windows users getting infected with viruses through innocent acts of surfing or downloading seemingly legitimate software.