Online Course: Boost Your Mac Productivity

Boost Your Mac Productivity is a complete course with 50 videos and more than 4 hours of instruction that will teach you you to work more efficiently on your Mac. I’ll show you built-in macOS shortcuts and power-user functions to manage files, organize the items on your screen, work in apps, use software tools and automate tasks.

The course covers topics such as keyboard shortcuts, Mission Control, the Notes and Reminders apps, techniques in Mail, Contacts and Safari, several Automator examples and third-party product recommendations. Each lesson is about how to do something better, more efficiently or more productively on your Mac.

When building this course I thought about both home users and people who use their Mac at work. Everyone wants to be more proficient with macOS and apps so they can get things done better and faster. Check out the link below to see a complete table of contents.

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Comments: One Response to “Online Course: Boost Your Mac Productivity”

    Donna Cazemier
    7 years ago

    I would love learn more about the workings of the Mac, so I can us it for my everyday things, keep it from getting attacked. I would have to take it slow so can really understand what I will be doing. I would like to produce my mac’s productivity too. I like all to be organized in my computer Mac Pro. Donna Cazemier

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