New Document With Selected Text

If you have TextEdit in your Dock, you can select text in a document or web page, then drag that selected text to the TextEdit Dock icon to instantly create a new document with that text in it. You can do the same by dragging the text to Mail, which will create a new message with that text as the body.

Comments: 2 Responses to “New Document With Selected Text”

    7 years ago

    This worked for me in TextEdit but not in Mail, which simply opened with a new document and the cursor in the address area. I couldn't even close the document. I had to quit Mail and reopen it.

    Jerry Morris
    7 years ago

    I am running 10.11.6. Sorry but it does not work for me. I can select a line(s) of text but as soon as I try to drag it, the high-lighting goes away.

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