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How Do I Display Text From One Cell Based On Numeric Value In Another In Numbers?

I have annual spreadsheets with hours in one column and dates in another. I am using the MAX function to find the maximum number of hours in a given column and I want to display the date from another column when this maximum occurs. I am displaying the max values and their dates in a separate table. Seems like it should be straight forward but I can’t wrap my head around a solution.

Comments: One Response to “How Do I Display Text From One Cell Based On Numeric Value In Another In Numbers?”

    5 years ago

    So if column B contains the duration, and column C contains the date, then create column D. Put a comparison there to see if that row contains the maximum duration. So in D2, you would have B2=MAX(B). Copy and paste that in all the cells in D. Then you have lots of FALSE in D, but one TRUE where the maximum duration is located.

    Then in your new table, use a LOOKUP function to find the row with the TRUE in it and get the date value. It would look something like LOOKUP(TRUE,Table 1::D,Table 1::C)

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