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How To Setup Shortcut To Open Multiple Finder Tabs?

How to setup a shortcut to open for example 10 folders with each one as a Finder within the same Finder window?
I have an “ART” folder and within this folder are specific folders for each art piece by name. I want to run a scrip to open eg 10 folders in new Finder tabs (within the same Finder window).
In other words, save Finder tabs as you can with tabs in Chrome or Tab Groups in Safari

Comments: 3 Responses to “How To Setup Shortcut To Open Multiple Finder Tabs?”

    3 years ago

    I can't really see a way to do that with Shortcuts, but you can do it with just aliases. Create a folder anywhere and put aliases to each of those 10 folders in it. Then open that folder in a new Finder window, select all of the aliases in that folder and Control+click and select Open In New Tabs. Then you have 10 new tabs in that Finder window, each pointing to one of those folders.

    However, it sounds like you already have these 10 folders together in one folder? So you can skip the aliases and just select them, Control+click, Open In New Tabs.

    But you skipped the WHY question. What is your goal here? If it is simply to have all 10 folders accessed easily, then why not open the top folder in the Finder window and use Column View with it? Then you can select any one of the 10 and see its contents in the next column. Same number of steps and perhaps more versatile than tabs. List View works to see the contents of all 10 folders at the same time too.

    3 years ago

    Reason -
    I have a 1,000 plus catalog images I manage... at any moment I need to get a set of images per folder. The key is for the folders to open in the same Finder window but in their own tabs. **The folders are not always in the same high level folder.
    This is what I have and it works to open the folders I want (just 3 here as an example) but they don't open within the same Finder window

    3 years ago

    Jeff: Try my suggestion above with aliases. You can also use aliases in combination with Column or List View. Try it and you'll see how easy it is to do it that way.

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