Learn How To Edit Your Pictures In Mac Photos In 5 Minutes

Here's a quick start guide to using the Photos app to edit your pictures. You can straighten, crop, adjust light and colors, fix problems and add filters.

Comments: 3 Responses to “Learn How To Edit Your Pictures In Mac Photos In 5 Minutes”

    David Gerety
    7 months ago

    Gary, this just keeps getting better. My copy of Lightroom 6.14 was just corrupted and can't be replaced, so I began using Luminar 4, which is so-so in comparison. Now I find that editing in Mac Photos for 90% of my work is just as good. Thanks for showing us how easy it can be.

    7 months ago

    Thanks Gary for the quick & easy to understand guide to easy photo editing. As someone who isn't too skilled at computer anything, your easy to follow informationals help me to learn new skills when I need them. Hoping to be able to become a Patreon subscriber in the near future.

    Steven Fink
    7 months ago

    I have been waiting for a program, like this one, on adjusting my 100 pictures. Thanks!

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