Ok, I’m wanting to enter the online gaming market (Star Trek Online to be specific) and I’m curious if it’s possible to play games like that on a Mac? I’ve read suggestions about bootcamp and such, but I’m not that familiar with how to do something like that. I have VMWare, but I’m not sure if that’s the way to go. Has anyone tried it? Suggestions? Thanks to all and Gary, keep up the great work!
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How to play PC Games on Mac
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Well, the first thing you have to do is research. You have a specific game in mind, so that is good. Do some searching around. First, see if there is a Mac version. Often there is. But if it is Windows-only, then see if people have used VMWare, Parallels or Boot Camp to play it. If so, how did it work on each one of those?
Then pick a method. Or two -- you can install Windows on Boot Camp and then use Parallels to access/run the same Windows install.
Boot Camp may be the best option as it is the most compatible with the high-end graphics of games. A Mac running Windows in Boot Camp is essentially a PC running Windows, but with a slightly different keyboard.
Since you have VMWare (with Windows installed, I assume) then you can try installing it there and see if it works. If not, then Boot Camp is probably the answer.