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Where is Flash found?

All this talk about flash had me wondering which version I have.
I have a 2007 imac basic machine updated with Snow Leopard.
I went to System Profiler then software. I don’t see Adobe anywhere.
I can get Flash thru VLC which I installed. Does VLC contain Adobe flash?

Comments: 5 Responses to “Where is Flash found?”

    14 years ago

    The Flash player isn't software for your Mac, it is software for your browser. It is called a browser "plug-in."
    There are several ways to figure out which version of this browser plug-in you have. The first is, in Safari, to go to Help, Installed Plug-Ins. This will bring up page of all of your browser plug-ins. Look for "Shockwave Flash." It should list something like:
    Shockwave Flash 10.1 r82 — from file “Flash Player.plugin”.
    This would mean you have Flash player version 10.1, revision 82.
    You can also go to this page at Adobe's web site:
    This will tell you basically the same thing. But it will also tell you the latest version and you can then upgrade if you are behind.
    As for VLC -- I don't know what you mean. VLC is a video player. It plays videos, not Flash content. I don't think there is any relation.

      14 years ago

      I believe Bruce may be referring to .flv files, such as on YouTube. VLC Player will play those (as, of course, will QuickTime X).

        14 years ago

        Oh, I see. flv files are video files that can be played inside of Flash applications. Video is just a little part of what Flash can do. Flash applications are can be pretty much anything -- games, for instance. When you see a Flash video on the web, like on YouTube, it is a Flash application that is essentially a video player that streams a flv file (or several flv files).

    14 years ago

    Thank you, that clears up a lot. I was out of date.
    Cameron was right I was referring to .flv files. All this is very confusing to me.
    How do I get .flv to play in Quicktime. Whenever I try to open .flv files up in Quicktime they are grayed out.
    Thanks again.

      14 years ago

      You don't. flv files are made to be streamed by Flash movies online. They don't play in QuickTime.

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