Hi! Do i need to have a copy of “clean my mac” for my mac book pro?
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is “clean my mac” worth it?
Comments: 4 Responses to “is “clean my mac” worth it?”
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In my opinion, no. Do you have a concern that you think that Clean My Mac would address? If not, then you don't need it.
No, don't need. Clean your mac yourself takes time but well worth it. I go every folder what I have from Gary videos on this website. When I did not listen to Gary advice I paid the price for it. I purchase MacKeeper and made my iMac worst. Use your startup disk, in disc utilities for repairs. OS X takes care it self. Take Gary advice.
No? then why is it advertised on this site??
The advertising is provided by Google. I don't sell the ads myself -- I concentrate on making the videos and let Google handle the ads. Hundreds of thousands of sites, including the largest ones, work the same way. The editorial staff of your location newspapers and television stations work that way too.