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Confusion over idisk

Hi Gary..I saw your video on Mobileme. I’ve signed up for the free trial and will buy it once it’s over but I have some queries.
When I choose Finder>Go>Idisk>My Idisk, a finder window opens. I’ve copied a bunch of files to the documents, pictures and movies folders in my Idisk, but how do I know sync it to my mobileme or store it online?
I went to my account and uploaded the same files there but it the System Preferences Idisk tab shows 10 GB still free. I’m confused about how to keep a copy of my documents on mobileme so that i may access it from anywhere anytime. What’s the difference between the System preferences Idisk pane, the Finder Idisk option and the idisk and how to keep them all a-sync?

Comments: 4 Responses to “Confusion over idisk”

    14 years ago

    By putting files on your iDisk you ARE putting them online. There is no syncing option -- you have files on your iDisk and files on your local disk. Move them back and forth as you want, but syncing between them would lead to complications.
    So you went to and upload the files to the same place? That means you put them there twice? Sounds like you did it once using the Finder and once using Safari.
    The System Preferences iDisk pane just shows you info about your iDisk. The Finder iDisk folder IS the actual iDisk. It shows you what you have stored there and you can move things from and to it. It is meant to be seamless so it looks just like any other Finder window. The web-based iDisk view is just another way to access your folders there.
    You should see the exact same files in the same places between the Finder and using in a web browser. They are showing you the same place.

    14 years ago

    Yes I'd obviously double uploaded, but I think it weeded out the repeats on its own. I deleted from my iDisk and it accordingly disappeared from the
    I've re-uploaded but only problem is that going into System Pref/Mobileme, it still shows only 194 MB uploaded when I've easily hit 4 GB no way of knowing how much space left.

      14 years ago

      Not sure why you are seeing a difference between what you have uploaded and what is shown there. Are you sure the uploads are complete? On a standard DSL or cable connection it would take hours to upload 4GB. Perhaps it is still in the process of uploading?

    14 years ago

    Are you uploading the complete files or alias files?

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