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Automate Wake up

Is there a way to have a machine (imac OSX 10.6.6) wake up in the middle of the night to run a CCC backup (while you are sleeping)

Comments: One Response to “Automate Wake up”

    14 years ago

    In the System Preferences, under Energy Saver, there is an option to have your Mac automatically wake up (or start up) at a certain time. Use that to wake it up. Then maybe an iCal alarm to run Carbon Copy Cloner. Not sure of CCC's ability to automatically start and complete a backup, but perhaps it gives you some Automator hooks?
    Of course, if your goal is to have a backup made every day, then I don't know if this is the best way to do it. Time Machine seems to be a better option. Or, if you simply want a second backup then why not run CCC every day when you are done using your Mac -- instead of waiting for it to run in the middle of the night?

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