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What is CFAgent?

Hi, I have CFAgent checked in my login section. I wondered what it was, and if it should be there.
Mike Goodman

Comments: 2 Responses to “What is CFAgent?”

    14 years ago

    By "login section" do you mean your System Preferences, Accounts, Login Items? An item named "CFAgent" is there?
    First, which version of Mac OS X are you running?
    Second, here' what you need to do to track down this or any program listed in your Login Items:
    Go to System Preferences, Accounts, Login Items. Then Control+Click on the item in question and select "Reveal in Finder." See where that process is located. Often, it will be a child program of a larger application. For instance, iTunes Helper would be revealed as being a small program inside the iTunes application package.
    So what do you get when you do this? Where is the actual CFAgent located?

    12 years ago

    CFAgent is for your ClickFree backup hard drive. It is a little stub that watches for the drive to be plugged in.

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