I now have file sharing setup on my home network and it works fine. Now, I want to share files over the internet also. Just as in my home network, I want to have a specified folder on my computer with a friends name on it that can only be opened by him using a password I assign. Can my friend then log onto my computer using finder>go>connect to server. I want to be able to place a file in that assigned fouler so my friend can download it, and in reverse allow my friend to place a file in that folder so I can download it. I am connected to my Linksys E3200 wireless router with an ethernet cable. I use a MacPro running Mac OSX 10.6.7.
This will all be done mac to mac over the internet. This is just for personal use, not a business. Also, I will want to be able to transfer files up to 10GB
Thank you so much in advance for any help you can give me.
Dennis Koch
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File sharing over internet
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It is tough to do because you really have to know the admin controls for both your Lunksys E3200 and whatever else it is connected to (cable modem? DSL modem?). Both have to be set up so that you can route connections through them to your Mac. But then you also need to figure out what your IP address is. And if yo aren't on a static iP address, then you'd got more figuring out to do -- it will change each time.
See episode 345 (http://macmost.com/setting-up-an-airport-extreme-for-outside-access.html) for some basic background info, though it is about the AirPort Extreme, not your router.
You really may want to consider a better option like using DropBox (or MobileMe's iDisk if you use MobileMe). It makes it all much much simpler.
Thank you very much Gary, you probably saved me a lot of grief!