Gary, 2 finger swipe is good for quick navigation. However what if I want to look at a site to buy a present for example and don’t want anyone else to see that I’ve visited that site?
I’ve tried to delete the history and exit out of the browser but it will still if you use the 2 finger swipe show all the web pages you’ve visited.
I suppose I could set up different user profiles for each family member but we haven’t needed to do this pre Lion.
Any idea’s?
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Safari 2 finger swipe in lion
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Just close the Safari window. Then open a new one. The new window has no two-finger-swipe history.
Now, you can always use the "Reopen Last Closed Window" menu item to get back to that window, with its two-finger-swipe history. But if you close that Safari window, open a new one, and then close the new one, there doesn't appear to be any way to get back to the original window. So I guess that is the way.
I'm sure there is another way to do it, but that worked for me right away.
I am having trouble with the Safari i have got. I noticed straight away that Apple had changed it. They have had a block system installed by two people,and Apple did not even pay them and the people have asked for donations. It`s a disgrace. The trouble i have is, when you want to go to the previous page a drop down says the form will be sent again,and i am not the only one with this problem. Their will be a simple solution of course. I am 62yrs old and i am self teaching myself about everything. I am not crawling, but your website is the best Apple site i have been on so far. It was the Preview App that did it for me. I will not be upgrading Lion. I think your cartoon summed it up. Then more problems.
If you go to a page that was generated by a form, then it has to send the form again to generate the page. So it warns you. Been the same in almost every browser on every OS since the dawn of the net. The warning is good -- prevents you from sending information, payment, signing up for things twice.
Yes i understand perfectly what you are saying,but my question is how do you get on to the previous page before you ordered something. The problem i find if you click on the red button you end up off the internet. I asked about this, and she said i know it gets on your nerves. I then asked her, there must be a way how you get to that page,and she replied i don`t know? Gary could you help me with this problem please.
So you are saying that if you say "OK" to the warning you still don't get back to the page you are looking for? What if you go back 2 pages instead, and then see?
Otherwise, it sounds like it may be a problem with the site. A well-designed checkout system would have controls on it to alter the order, etc.