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Extending a Time Capsule Network

I recently replaced my Airport Extreme with a 2TB Time Capsule. The TC has been configured and is working properly. I have also extended my network by adding an Airport Express to provide Airplay capability to a distant room in the house. I would also like to utilize my Airport Extreme on the network as well. However, when I plug in the Extreme, the Airport Utility does not “see” it so that it can also be configured for use. I assume the existing network can be further extended with the Extreme?

Comments: One Response to “Extending a Time Capsule Network”

    13 years ago

    What do you mean by "plug in the Extreme" -- do you mean to AC power? Or do you mean by ethernet to your Mac?
    If you just give a new Extreme power, then it will create its own network. If you are connected to the TC network, then you can't use Airport Utility to connect to this other network. So you must disconnect from your TC network, find the AE's new network and connect to that. Then you can use Airport Utility to alter its settings. From there you should be able to set it to extend the TC network.
    But I'm not 100% on that. You may need to connect the AE to the TC via a cable to set it up.

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