While the Dashboard and Widgets are neat and can be very useful to some, not everyone uses them. If you find yourself accidentally triggering the Dashboard every once in a while, you can easily disable the keyboard shortcut and gesture that brings it up. You can also remove widgets from the Dashboard so it uses less resources. As an extreme measure, you can completely disable the Dashboard with a command in the Terminal window.
Here are the lines I type into the Terminal:
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Comments: 12 Responses to “MacMost Now 902: Removing the Dashboard”
11 years ago
A bit peculiar that Apple is including Dashboard in Mavericks, even gave it some minor improvements! Meanwhile the Widget community has fallen into disuse with no foreseeable revival.
11 years ago
I use the Dashboard at least daily, for iStat Pro (quickly check on available disk space, network connection, processes, clocks in multiple timezones, the calendar and sticky pad.) Of course, I've got other ways to do any of those, but none are single click and prominent on the screen.
What sezs you Gary?
11 years ago
Wow you must have read my mind, Thank You, As soon as I saw it I rushed to my iMac and disabled it. Thanks again
11 years ago
What is the Terminal command to restore the Dashboard?
I agree what you said at the beginning then you went downhill.
I think it`s a good idea,and I use it a lot. Say when you are on a website,and you want save some information I just use Stickies.
The converter is very useful has well,because I live in England,and I covert the Dollar`s to Pounds to see how much Apple charges you to see the difference.
When I am on my computer I certainly wouldn`t pick my mobile up to find thing`s out when they are on my computer.
Marsha Avery
11 years ago
I would like certain apps on my desktop...like the calculator or weather or clock. How do I do that?
Depends on your version of OS X and what your skill level is (ever use Terminal?) Search for "Dashboard widgets on desktop" and you'll come up with some details.
A better solution might be to simply use what is already there. You have a clock in your menubar (you can change what it displays in System Preferences) and you can do calculations with the Spotlight menu.
11 years ago
my dash bord got disabled some how and i was looking for a way to fix it. After watching this video i figured it out and my dash bord works perfectly.
11 years ago
I don't really use the dashboard much. There are 4 widgets on my dashboard, and the only thing I can use is the calculator, which looks great.
11 years ago
Thank you so much ! I hate that frackin' Dashboard!!
A bit peculiar that Apple is including Dashboard in Mavericks, even gave it some minor improvements! Meanwhile the Widget community has fallen into disuse with no foreseeable revival.
I use the Dashboard at least daily, for iStat Pro (quickly check on available disk space, network connection, processes, clocks in multiple timezones, the calendar and sticky pad.) Of course, I've got other ways to do any of those, but none are single click and prominent on the screen.
What sezs you Gary?
Wow you must have read my mind, Thank You, As soon as I saw it I rushed to my iMac and disabled it. Thanks again
What is the Terminal command to restore the Dashboard?
It is the same, but NO instead of YES.
I agree what you said at the beginning then you went downhill.
I think it`s a good idea,and I use it a lot. Say when you are on a website,and you want save some information I just use Stickies.
The converter is very useful has well,because I live in England,and I covert the Dollar`s to Pounds to see how much Apple charges you to see the difference.
When I am on my computer I certainly wouldn`t pick my mobile up to find thing`s out when they are on my computer.
I would like certain apps on my desktop...like the calculator or weather or clock. How do I do that?
Depends on your version of OS X and what your skill level is (ever use Terminal?) Search for "Dashboard widgets on desktop" and you'll come up with some details.
A better solution might be to simply use what is already there. You have a clock in your menubar (you can change what it displays in System Preferences) and you can do calculations with the Spotlight menu.
my dash bord got disabled some how and i was looking for a way to fix it. After watching this video i figured it out and my dash bord works perfectly.
I don't really use the dashboard much. There are 4 widgets on my dashboard, and the only thing I can use is the calculator, which looks great.
Thank you so much ! I hate that frackin' Dashboard!!