Want to block someone from calling or messaging you? You can do that with a new feature in iOS 7. Now you can stop persistent telemarketers or a bothersome ex from contacting you on your iPhone.
Want to block people from calling you or sending you text messages?
You can, with iOS 7.
Start by adding the person’s phone number to your Contacts.
Create a new contact.
Add a name, or the name of a company. Any name will do.
Add the phone number.
You should now have a normal contact for that person or company.
Next, go into Settings.
Scroll down to through the list of settings.
Look for Phone settings.
In Phone settings, tap Blocked.
Tap Add New…
Now find the contact in your list of contacts and select it.
That number has now been added to your Blocked list.
You will no longer receive calls or text messages from that number.
Bonus information:
You can create a single contact and store multiple phone numbers in that contact to easily block them all. Currently, you have to then re-add that contact to the Blocked list after you add or modify a phone number in the contact. But at least that saves you from filling up your Contacts list with people you never actually want to contact.