A Beginner’s Guide to LaunchPad

LaunchPad is an app launcher that resides in the Dock. From LaunchPad you can view all of your installed applications. You can search for an app and use the keyboard to launch it. You can also organize your apps by re-arranging them and placing them into folders to group them. LaunchPad is also an uninstaller, allowing you to remove apps that were installed by the Mac App Store.

Comments: 3 Responses to “A Beginner’s Guide to LaunchPad”

    Richard Fuhr
    8 years ago

    A nice enhancement to the search functionality in LaunchPad would be to have folder names also show up in the search results. The same enhancement could apply to iOS devices, where you can also put apps into folders and give the folders appropriate names. On a related note, regular folder names already do show up in Spotlight search results on the Mac, so it seems that this functionality could also be extended to LaunchPad and to iOS.

    Phyllis Pieri
    8 years ago

    Thanks for this quick video. I have not used this feature at all and realize that I have been waiting a lot of time.
    You guys Rock!

    8 years ago

    I've been using LaunchPad for a decade now, it's such an easy and user-friendly UI. I highly recommend using it with LaunchPad Manager app to remove any app from LP pages without removing it from your Mac, among other functions.
    For instance, you don't really need to launch Acrobat Reader and so many other ones as they will auto-launch when required.

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