You can easily add sound effects to your iMovie projects with the built-in effects that come with iMovie. You can also drop in any other sound, including ones you record on your own. By modifying sounds effects with iMovie's tools, you can make generic sound effects work in almost any situation.
Want to know more about how to use iMovie on your Mac? Check out this MacMost course!
Comments: One Response to “Adding Sound Effects in iMovie”
Nicholas Manno
4 years ago
Awesome tutorial, Gary. iMovie audio has always been a pain...for me. You have made it so much easier just by watching you, rather than if I just read about how to do it. Thank you - Nick
Awesome tutorial, Gary. iMovie audio has always been a pain...for me. You have made it so much easier just by watching you, rather than if I just read about how to do it. Thank you - Nick