MacMost Now 340: Apple Wish List 2010

Gary Rosenzweig hopes Apple will improve MacBook Pros and Mac Pros in 2010. He also wishes for changes to MobileMe, AppleTV and iTunes. Perhaps 2010 will be the year the iPhone goes beyond AT&T. He also hopes that a new Apple tablet device will be more than just a media player. Leave your wishes below in the comments.

Comments: 14 Responses to “MacMost Now 340: Apple Wish List 2010”

    Greg Howland
    15 years ago

    I would like to see AppleTV have the ability to surf the web with Safari and a wireless keyboard.

    15 years ago

    I'd like to see lower prices. Period. After 9-months of 24-inch iMac ownership I'm still not convinced my purchase was worth $2,100 (including AppleCare and iWorks).

    And I usually always feel very confident after any consumer electronics purchase because I research thoroughly in advance of purchasing.

    I'd like to make the move to an Apple laptop, but they simply are too expensive in the 15- and 17-inch varieties.

      15 years ago

      AMEN to LowerPRICES !!

    Paul Brainerd
    15 years ago

    Apple will enter the real HDTV market and incorporating in a full fledged Apple TV/Media Center into it. The time has come. After all, Steve himself referred to the current rendition of Apple TV as a "hobby" for Apple.

    Gary, I like your idea of a free MobileMe and a MobileMe Pro as well as integrating it more into the social networks. As of now it is MobilMe, NOT what it should be....... MobileUS.

    I predict the Apple Tablet/iSlate (won't be either name, too pedestrian) will have Mac OS X. And get this, it will have a matrix scanner to read your gestures. Yes, with the point then flip of your index finger in the air above or in front of the screen...... and you will turn a page while reading the newspaper or a book.A four finger point and upward motion, and you clear the desktop..... and on and on. You get the idea.

    John RusselL
    15 years ago

    One of my wishes for 2010 is for Apple to rework its Mac to iPhone/iPod syncing processes. As it is, it's a crapshoot as to what goes where, and when. For starters, I'd like to see in the Summary tab two checkboxes: one would be labeled "Sync all syncable items automatically upon connection" and the other "Sync items according to settings on individual tabs." Then on all subsequent tabs I'd like a clear choice for those relevant items to be synced automatically or manually.

    15 years ago

    Couple of things.

    1. apple tv and mac mini should merge and create the super-uber system you can use on your tv.

    2. If mobile me doesnt change this year, i am going to cancel my subscription. What would help this? Build in a remote time machine carbonite but done by apple. Have the ability to take your machine into an apple store for the first backup via a lan cable so it wont take a month like carbonite and other online services.

    3. revamp ichat to work better for video conferencing so it isnt so frustrating to setup.

    4. have itunes offer some kind of wireless syncing ability like the Things app currently does using your wifi network.

    5. and of course ATT really needs to pull it together. My local rep has not only admitted pathetic plans for northern colorado for new towers given other metro areas that are priority....but he is giving me a 50.00 a month credit as a way to keep us on board. Nice gesture...but honestly this phone being as great as it is....really doesnt do "phone" very well.

    Keep up the good work Gary. Love the show.

    15 years ago

    I would like to see a Blu-ray drive on Mac Mini ...

    15 years ago

    Time Machine needs to permit users to specify the backups,with greater customization flexibility regarding when and how frequently.

    Apple needs to become more proactive for its iPhone customers in seeking better data rates for both domestic and overseas use; also need broader carrier options.

    Expanding on Robb's point, I find the sync directions and questions mostly inscrutable when there are discrepancies between iPhone, macbook, and mobile me.

    Keyboard short cuts should be easy to locate, and easier to customize

    Keyboard & mouse reliability: needs to be enhanced. Even the paint marking letters/symbols wears off too easily

    And yes, prices need to drop to expand the apple user community.

    Kay Fisher
    15 years ago

    Tablet should be at least like a big iPod Touch. That is I really want bluetooth so I can use bluetooth wireless headsets with it. It really has to be WiFi also.
    I had two iPod Touches and really needed a bigger screen.

    New MacBook Pros need Core i7 Bad!

    Be nice to refresh iLife and iWork. iPhoto needs two things bad: 1) Major improvement in face recognition and 2) built in editing capability that would stop most of us from needing Ires or Acron or Adobe stuff.

    Kay Fisher
    15 years ago

    iPhone/iPod Apps. I'd like Apple to eliminate the free trial versions of all of them and somehow allow users to try any real app for a few days and then purchase it. With so many it is real easy to spend $2.00 for some app that only 20 minutes later you realize you don't like it.

    15 years ago

    I want there to be the tablet, iPhone 2G use in england, lower prices, mac pro (at least) to get the Intel test 80-core processor, which only uses the power of an ordinary one, but is a lot more powerful!

    P.S. I really want 2 80-core processors!

    15 years ago

    How about a keyboard designed to put function ahead of style or cost cutting?

    It's surprising how Apple continually stumbles on keyboard design.

    How often do you REALLY use ` each day? Or F16, F17, F18, F19?

    In the real world, writers need PageUp, PageDown, Home, and End keys... and two handed Fn+another key combinations definitely are not adequate substitutes.

    While we are at it, how about conceding that the Internet is here to stay and putting dedicated Back and Forward keys on a keyboard.

    Even Apple's VIRTUAL keybaord is more of a pain than it has to be. Why keep it in all caps, even when we are typing lower case?

    14 years ago

    I would like to see a new Mac Mini, similar in size and appearance to the new Apple TV with easily user installed memory and SSD. The base system would sell for less than $350 but would include no memory or mass storage. Memory and mass storage would be sold with the base system for a very low price (make the profit on the system, lock out third party vendors). Power supply would be a charger from a laptop both to save production costs and also to allow a clean hookup with an Apple Cinema display.

      14 years ago

      Well, you've only got 2 more days for your wish to come true. :)

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