Creating Mac Calendar Events

Creating new events in the Mac Calendar app is relatively simple, but there are many options. You can create a new even by clicking in the calendar, or using the Create Quick Event feature. It is easy to modify an event while creating it or later on.

Comments: 14 Responses to “Creating Mac Calendar Events”

    8 years ago

    Very informative.
    How about adding attachments on Mac and have them be accessible on iPhone?
    I've done that using a link to a file in dropbox, but how else?
    (this allows me to add files to a contacts entry)
    Also, would like an advanced calendar topics video.

    8 years ago

    Dbob5678: What sorts of attachments do you want to add and for what purpose? The idea is to have notifications of events and appointments. I think having a file attached to an event is probably beyond the scope of a calendar app.

    June Randall
    8 years ago

    Thank you so much for this tip! I am a fairly new Mac user and you helped me immensely with creating calendar events!

    Robert Aucoin
    8 years ago

    I find using the attachment field very useful. However, attachment will not appear if you are using this app with Google calendar. My use: when I make a hotel reservation, I create a .pdf of the reservation confirmation and then drag the .pdf into the attachment field. I have also used it to drag in files that I might need for a meeting.

    8 years ago

    Robert: I completely forgot that you used to be able to have attachments to events before cloud-based calendars! Thanks. But I can see why it would be difficult to have them work with those online calendars, especially cross-platform.

    dan collins
    8 years ago

    how can i set an event for the last friday of every month. I've tried to do it with siri, but it responds with I can't schedule event in the past

    8 years ago

    dan: Double-click in the calendar to create the event on the last Friday of this month. While still editing the event, click the "Add Alert, Repeat, or Travel Time" text. Then set the "repeat" field to "Monthly" and click the "On the" at the bottom, then set it to "last" and "Friday."

    Arnie Keller
    8 years ago

    How do you get the info box to display next to the event on the Calendar. Mine shows up in the upper left hand corner of the screen. Thanks.

    8 years ago

    Arnie: Perhaps you are using an older version? Or, maybe you are using Command+I. Try double-clicking the event.

    Arnie Keller
    8 years ago

    Gary: I'm running Version 9.0 (2155.21). Is there a newer one? I was double clicking, but the info box always appears in the upper left hand corner. (BTW, your videos are terrifically useful. Thanks)

    8 years ago

    Arnie: 9.0 is Calendar from Sierra, so that is the latest. Not sure why the info is appearing as a window for you, sorry.

    Arnie Keller
    8 years ago

    Thanks Gary. I didn't figure out the exact problem but I did delete the preference files and that fixed the issue. Should have been the first or second thing I tried.

    Herbert Hofmann
    8 years ago

    I travel from asia to us frequently. Entering travel times into calander is a chalange, because I arrive on the west coast two hours before I depart do to the International Date Line. Any sugestions?

    8 years ago

    Herbert: In Calendar, Preferences, Advanced, turn on "Turn on time zone support." Then you can set the time zone for events.

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