Creating Recurring Calendar Events

You can create recurring calendar events on your Mac and the latest version of iOS. For instance, you can create an event that will automatically recur on the second Tuesday of every month.

Comments: 13 Responses to “Creating Recurring Calendar Events”

    Adam Snyder
    9 years ago

    Thanks Gary, great video. Is there a way to see in list or details view all your calendar events for say a year or so at a time?

    9 years ago

    Yes. Trying printing. You can do all sorts of things through printing in Calendar. Choose a "list"and set the start and end dates. Play around with the other settings too.

    Ron DeMarco
    9 years ago

    Great videos; with calendar, I have question on a function occurring multiple times a month, each month. A group meets on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month. Is there a way to "add repeat rules" like "sort rules" in Mail so 1 rule covers both meetings? Set-up 1 meeting then just "add a rule" for the 2nd occurrence during the month. Now I use 2 separate repeat rules; 1 for the 2nd and one for the 4th Monday

      9 years ago

      I don't think so. I can't seem to be able to add more than one custom setting per event. So you'll need to make 2.

    Doris McDermott
    9 years ago

    I would like to print the instructions for Creating Reoccurring Calendar Events. I work better with printed instructions (88 years old). How to do it?????

      9 years ago

      Do you mean the transcript? You could just copy and paste the portion you want into a TextEdit or Pages document and print that.

    Barbara Hooper
    9 years ago

    I notice that you have duplicates of some holidays showing in Calendar. I have that too and wonder why and is there any way to delete the duplicates?

    Rick Manzari
    9 years ago

    when I enter a event , how do I get it to also go on my i-mac, i-pad and i-phone?

      9 years ago

      Depends on how you have it set up. If all of your devices are using iCloud and the same Apple ID, then it is automatic.

    9 years ago

    Any one can tell me how to avoid getting two or more events overlapping in time, not to overlap on the calendar? it is kind of frustrating no to see all the appointments at once...
    also... is there an easy way to turn off all the calendars but the one or ones that we want to see?
    Thank you!

      9 years ago

      I don't understand your first question. Overlapping events overlap. Not sure what you are trying to do.
      As for your second question, you can do that easily. Just check or uncheck calendars on the left side of the Calendar app. If you have hidden the calendar list on the left side, choose View, Show Calendar List.

    9 years ago

    Dear Gary, Do you know if there's a way of seeing the 'notes' you have in a calendar schedule. I'm always needing to double click the event & going into edit mode to see the important event details. If I was writing it in my old diary I'd easily see that information. Thank you so much, Pete

      9 years ago

      Not that I can think of. But if you switch to Day view, it does show Notes on the right when you select the event, no need to go "into" the event.

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