Displaying Sums In Numbers That Match the Filter

When you filter rows in Numbers, any totals or other footer calculations will still be based on all of the rows, not just the ones visible. You can change that by using functions like SUMIF that match the filter. But then you need to adjust your formulas and filters every time so they are the same. However, you can use a hidden column and a single-cell separate table to make this quick, easy and useful.

Download the example: FilterSums.numbers.zip

Comments: 5 Responses to “Displaying Sums In Numbers That Match the Filter”

    Pierre Lacroix
    5 years ago

    Congratulations for your excellent work. Is it possible to have the Numbers file you are demonstrating. Thank you

    5 years ago

    Pierre: Sure. Download link added above.

    Louise Kienast
    5 years ago

    Hi Gary, Thanks for this lesson. It took me a long time to recreate a table similar to the one you used. My table was a dailyTime Tracker with a few more columns. I had a question on the last formula you used. When I inserted the OR, I had to change to the text version in order to move the ) to the end. In your video, since you go through each step and change the formula each time, I'm wondering if I recreated my table and only used the last step if that would solve that problem.

    5 years ago

    Louise: Sometimes it matters how you enter the formula, especially when adding new functions to something already there. It is just a convenience anyway, don't worry about it.

    Louise Kienast
    5 years ago

    That's what I thought. I am a beginner using Numbers, Now that I have the time I find it is very enjoyable to learn new things. I also made the mistake listing 24 different items to track timewise. I think that was too many to begin a lesson like this one. I'm still glad I tried it and it does work. I keep practicing. Thanks again.

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