Find the Difference Between Two Tables In Mac Numbers

Here's how to compare two tables to see which rows are missing from one or the other. You can also compare two tables using multiple columns. Conditional highlighting can show you which rows don't match.

Comments: 6 Responses to “Find the Difference Between Two Tables In Mac Numbers”

    3 years ago

    Excellent and creative use of Countif and countifs. I was not familiar with the second one but will have use for it in the future. Thanks

    3 years ago

    In reference to this tutorial and your 12/02/2020 tutorial "How To Find Duplicates In Numbers", is there a method to delete filtered rows without deleting any unfiltered/hidden rows? For example, filtering a table to show only "Duplicates" and deleting only those and not rows in between? MS Excel has the feature to delete "only visible rows" and I am not seeing this option with Numbers (v11.2).

    3 years ago

    Eric: Instead of filtering, sort. Sort by that column that indicates duplicates so then all of the duplicates are together. Select those and delete those rows.

    3 years ago

    Thank you Gary. I tried that as well, however, I am looking to keep the original order of the list which happens to be randomized and not in a sorted pattern. If I sort the list, delete the 'Duplicates', can I then return the list to its originally intended order?

    3 years ago

    Eric: You can sort by the true/false duplicate column only, then delete. The remaining ones should still be in the same order they were before. Try it and see. You can always undo.

    3 years ago

    That was it! Thank you. I used your formula from the 12/02/2020 tutorial; =IF(MATCH($A2,A,-1)=ROW(),"","Duplicate of row "&MATCH($A2,A,−1)). I place that formula in B2 next to A2 that has the suspected duplicates and copied down the column of over 5,000 rows. I then performed Organized > Sort > Sort Selected Rows > Row B > Ascending. Found the duplicates at the bottom and deleted the rows. None of my random cell data in column A was out-of-place or sorted which is what I wanted. Thank you!

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