I have a ripped video in Audio_TS and VIDEO_TS folders and wish to burnt them to a dvd that will play in a dvd player. Should I just highlight the 2 folders and burn through finder or is there some sort of extra encoding that I need to do. If so, which software would you recommend?
Unless there are hidden files, every dvd that I click on, opens up into these very 2 folders so I presume a data dvd with these 2 should be exactly what makes a dvd?
Dr. Trevor Leigh
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Burn DVD folders to blank disc?
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Burning through the Finder would only create a data disc with those binary files on it. It would be a disc formatted for computer data, not one formatted for DVD video playback.
You need to make a straight copy of the disk. You can do this with Disk Utility. Or, you can do it with something like Toast.
Also keep in mind if the folders are larger than 4.7 gigs, you'll need to burn a dual layer disc. Toast can compress them to a single layer, if need be.