I have a number of playlists each with songs obtained from various sources. Can I create an Album from a playlist which would save me having so many individual songs in my Album category and make it easier for me to find?
Don Kryzak
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Can I Create an Album From a Playlist In iTunes?
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Kind of. But I'm not sure that is what you want to do. The idea behind albums is they should be actual albums, like the ones created by artists. You can always edit the metadata in the songs (select a song, Command+I) to create albums from songs, or even rename the songs or attribute them to other artists. But it would be odd, and could cause problems if you try to use any service at all with your iTunes library. I can only imagine what would happen if you tried to use iCloud Music library or Apple Music and it tried to reconcile between the real albums and the ones you created.
Maybe try the "Sorting" section in the info window (Command+i, then click sorting). This may be a good way to leave the metadata (Details) intact, but sort it in your lists as part of another album that you invent. I think this is your best bet.
Thank you for the perfect response to my message. I followed the first 5 sentences of your message and it did everything I wanted to accomplish. I appreciate your caveat about possible problems with my iTunes library. That is not an issue with my usage. My original message should have mentioned that we buy music CDs in foreign countries and that is when they do not copy it in iTunes as an Album, but as individual soundtracks.