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How Can I View An Email URL On macOS Catalina?

I used below method but couldn’t able view in my email
Email > Prefrence > Viewing > “Show message headrs” > Custom > Message ID (new created) but still not able to view message URL


Comments: 6 Responses to “How Can I View An Email URL On macOS Catalina?”

    5 years ago

    I'm not sure what you are looking for here. Use View, Message, Raw Source to see all of the headers of an email message. But I don't know what you mean by "message URL" -- that doesn't make any sense. Is that some sort of header you want to display?

    I did find a "Message-ID" header (with a dash) in some of my messages and was able to add that as a custom header to display. But I'm not sure why you want to see that particular piece of information. It is not a "URL."

    5 years ago

    Thanks for reply Gary Rosenzweig and sorry for late contact back, actually I am looking and asking if there is any way I can get email message URL? like below?

    5 years ago

    Tufail: I don't understand. What is that URL supposed to link to? What should it show when viewed?

    5 years ago

    Okay let say I copied email message URL and paste it in my Notes or Reminders or Calendar and when I click this URL will directly jump to that email, means no need to search email with Subject etc. etc it’s kind of mail message hyper link

    5 years ago

    Tufail: You can do that with drag-and-drop. Drag an email message from the left sidebar of Mail into a Note or a Reminder. You can also do it with Siri. Select an email message and and make sure Mail is the frontmost app. Then ask Siri to "remind me about this email message" or similar phrasing.

    5 years ago

    Thank you so much and this was what I searching...

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