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iTunes Account Name Change

In a podcast about how to change the name of your iTunes account you can do that by contacting Apple support. In a similar issue, I found that some of my music was not syncing to my iPod and a message said those songs did not belong to me. I eventually notices that the get info of my music, some had my e-mail name without the @.mac as the owner and while others had my full e-mail address (.mac) using the same name. I tried everything to find the problem but would up sending an e-mail.
Although these are obviously the same person Apple support told me I had opened too iTumes accounts. I do not know how this could have done, certainly not on purpose, but they said they could not combine the two and I would have to continue to sigh in under each account separately to snyc all my music.
So, you comment that you can change your Apple ID is apparently not possible.
George Wilkinson

Comments: 8 Responses to “iTunes Account Name Change”

    14 years ago

    Call them again. Ask them to combine your two accounts. They should do it.
    On the other hand, you don't have to sign out and sign in all the time. You just need to authorize iTunes for both accounts. Having iTunes authorized for more than one account is common as it is a necessary part of using Home Sharing. But it will help you in your case too.
    In iTunes, just go to Store, Authorize This Computer.

    14 years ago

    Gary you sure about that? I was always told and have read that Apple does not allow the merging of iTunes accounts. I wish they did because I have two Apple ID accounts and wish I could merge the two.

      14 years ago

      That may be some official policy, but I have heard many times of them doing it for people.

    George Wilkinson
    14 years ago

    I was able to sign into both accounts and sync all music to my iPods. But I must remember about both accounts and their passwords if I ever have problems again, like setting up a new computer.

    Here is the response from Apple:

    "I just wanted to send a quick follow up to my previous request for more information. I've copied the previous email below, and I look forward to helping you resolve this issue.


    iTunes Store Customer Support

    Please Note: I work Sun. to Tues., Fri.,Sat. 1:00pm to 9:30pm ET

    Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to assist you.

    Hi George,

    Unfortunately, it is not possible to transfer purchases or join two or more iTunes Store accounts together. However, you can play the titles you have purchased from multiple accounts if you authorize your computer for each account.

    Please keep in mind that you may only authorize up to five computers to play purchases made with one account. To learn more about iTunes Store authorization and deauthorization, read this article:"

      14 years ago

      Yea, you definitely want to settle on one of the two accounts and only use that one moving forward. Maybe figure out what is on the lesser account and if you really need it -- music is all non-DRM, so I'm not sure why that is a problem. Are they really old tracks, from back when Apple used DRM?

    George Wilkinson
    14 years ago

    There are only a few titles from along time ago. I do not even recall how, when or why these few songs were created on an account I do not even recall. I do not know of any reason why I would have established a new account when I have been using the same one for as long as I remember. I do not even believe I ever did, but iTunes shows those belonging to a different account under my name and there is nothing Apple can, or won't do about it. My name is listed on both accounts so it should be obvious they both belong to the same person, but Apple looks at it differently.

    13 years ago

    What about when inheriting a computer from one of your deceased parents. Do all the rights on that account vanish ?

      13 years ago

      I don't know. You should contact Apple and ask them. There may be a process in place for that.

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