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A yellow triangle with exclamation mark on external drive in the event library in iMovie 11

What does a yellow triangle with exclamation mark on external drive shown in the event library in iMovie 11 mean? I am also not able to drag an event or a project on to the external drive to store these files on the external drives.
I have the external drive connected via the Time Capsule. I am able to drag an event from the iMovie Event folder in Finder to the external drive and it copies it correctly. I am also able to delete this event in iMovie event Folder and then drag it back in again from the external disk and get iMovie to recognize it.
Thank you for any help you can provide. My hard disk on my MacBook Pro is almost full and I need to free up space by moving out older iMovie events and Projects. Many thanks.

Comments: 3 Responses to “A yellow triangle with exclamation mark on external drive in the event library in iMovie 11”

    14 years ago

    That means that you cannot use that drive for storing events or projects. External drives cannot be accessed as fast as internal ones. And if that drive isn't even connected to your machine (it is over the network instead) then that access is even slower. Events and projects in video editing software need to be accessed quickly and efficiently or real-time video editing is just not possible.

      14 years ago

      Hi Gary,

      Many thanks for the quick response.

      I connected the external drive directly to my MacBook Pro and was not only able to see them in iMovie but was also able to move my iMovie projects and iMovie events successfully to the external disk following your tutorial video.

      Many thanks for the help.



    13 years ago

    I believe the exclamation mark means that the disk is not formatted Mac OS Extended. iMovie will not save to a FAT32 or other type of format.

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