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Can the Trash App Be Searched Without a File Name?

Gary, I may have accidentally sent a file to Trash while dragging another into the bin.
Can’t locate even the “on purpose” file in that mess.
Is there a way I can search for what was deleted today?

Comments: 2 Responses to “Can the Trash App Be Searched Without a File Name?”

    8 months ago

    Yes. Open the Trash folder up by double-clicking it in the Dock. Then switch to List view with View, as List. Now look at the column headings at the top of the window. One should be "Date Added." If you don't see Date Added, scroll to the right. If it still isn't there, then Control+click any of the column headings and you can add it by selecting Date Added in the menu.

    Now click on the Date Added heading to sort by that. If the oldest is at the top, then click it again to sort the other way. Now you should see the latest item added to the Trash folder at the top.

    You can also choose View, Use Groups. Then View, Group By, Date Added to create nice divisions in the Trash folder where you can see everything you added today separate from items added previously.

    8 months ago

    Perfect! Thank you.

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