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Changing font size for mailbox names

Is there a way to do this in Lion? I was able to change the mailbox name font size in previous versions but I can’t find the preference setting for this in Lion. Any help is appreciated.

Comments: 4 Responses to “Changing font size for mailbox names”

    13 years ago

    No, I don't believe so. I don't think you could have done this earlier either. Did you find a way or a method of modifying Mail to make the sidebar text larger?

      13 years ago

      Yeah, this could be done in Mail for Snow Leopard. I just checked it on a Mac that has Snow Leopard Mail and it specifically has a setting for mailbox names.

    Shirley Allan
    13 years ago

    The System Preference>General>Sidebar Icon Size will increase slightly the size of the text BUT it also increases the size of the mailbox icons.

      13 years ago

      Hey, that works for me Shirley! I just wanted to reduce the size slightly and setting it to "small" works perfectly. THANK YOU!!!!

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