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Finder window slider button (bottom right corner)

I just upgraded from Leopard on my 2006 iBook to Lion on my newly purchased MacBook Pro. I noticed that there’s a slider button on the bottom right corner of Finder windows. The slider adjusts the size of icons in the window SOMETIMES, but most of the time it does nothing. How do I keep it active to ALWAYS adjust the size of icons? Thanks.

Comments: 3 Responses to “Finder window slider button (bottom right corner)”

    13 years ago

    It should adjust the size always. What happens when you use View, Show View Options and adjust the slider there?

    13 years ago

    Gary, following your steps might have resolved the issue. Before posting on your forum I was able to pull the slider to both extremes (left and right) and it was doing nothing while in Icon mode in a Finder window. I will try to duplicate the issue at hand and if so, reply again to my question. Your website is amazing and just as I recommend Apple products to friends I will be recommending your website as a reference. Thank you for your quick response.

    Mr Anthony Cotton
    13 years ago

    Yes it is always there, and it does adjust the size of the icons or anything inside of the Finder window. I disagree about you saying you recommend Apple products to your friends, and Garys website as a reference. To me Garys website is a totally different topic, and i do not find it as a reference. I find the website for how to use applications,as printed above,and if you have a problem you ask Gary and if he is not sure he points you in the right direction. I am learning things every time i come on this website thanks to Gary

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