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How Do Encode a Video, By Saving the Record Date, Camera Model and Geolocation?

Hi! It is necessary to compress a lot of video (with support for HEVC HLG), but keeping the original metadata including camera model and geolocation.

I tried to use ShutterEncoder, where there is a function “Preserve metadata”, but as a result, only the date of shooting is saved, not the camera model and geolocation.

QuickTime Player allows you to convert video with all necessary source data, but does not allow you to configure the quality, and most importantly, does not support batch processing.

When creating Quick Action in Automator based on the Encode Media action, the metadata is no longer stored in the resulting video.

I can’t find a solution online on my own, because people mostly care about saving the shooting date, but not camera and geolocation models. Help solve the problem, please!

I use the Photos app and information about camera model and geolocation is very important for smart albums. I would like to have control over the resolution, frame rate, bit rate and colorspace when converting video.

Comments: 6 Responses to “How Do Encode a Video, By Saving the Record Date, Camera Model and Geolocation?”

    10 months ago

    Compressor. It is from Apple and available in the Mac App Store. That's the main pro app to use on a Mac for compressing video. It supports HEVC and allows you to "pass thru" the metadata. Tons of customizable options, batch processing, etc.

    10 months ago

    I tried Apple Compressor. "Pass through source file metadata" does not retain the camera information properties.

    10 months ago

    Ed: That's the only suggestion I have then. Maybe it isn't possible? Do you have an alternative to retaining the camera information? Why do you need it?

    10 months ago

    This is possible because Quick Time Player can save this information. Unfortunately, QT Player does not allow you to perform actions on the list of files.

    10 months ago

    Ed: Do you have an alternative to retaining the camera information? Why do you need it?

    9 months ago

    VIDEOPROC, i believe can do that. You can download it and try free. You can convert as many files as you want but the free version will only convert the first 5 mins of each video. Paid version infinite.

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