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How Do I Add a Video In Keynote and Simultaneously Have Text / Object Appear?

So here’s what I’m trying to do … I’m trying to insert a video in Keynote of someone explaining a concept placing the video say on the left hand of the slide while at the same time have some texts or objects appear on the right that which I would synchronize there appearance to this person’s talk. Is this even possible? Thx to all!
Carlos Rivera

Comments: One Response to “How Do I Add a Video In Keynote and Simultaneously Have Text / Object Appear?”

    6 years ago

    You could break the video into pieces, and then put each piece on a slide next to the text you want to display at the time.

    But usually, this sort of thing is done as part of the video production process. So you would take your existing video into iMovie, Final Cut or something else, place that clip on the left, and then the titles with the text on the right. Then export as a new video.

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