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How Do I Create a Formula To Count a Date Within a Range Of Dates?

I am trying to create a attendee list

We are hosting a event for a week straight but some guests are coming the first day for 3 days, some are coming the 2nd day for less days, and so on, it’s a big group so i am trying to create a list of each day how many attendees we have that day…

So we will get a list of everyone attending, with
“from what date, to until what date they will be attending.
So I am trying to create a formula that will easily calculate from that list how many attendees we have each individual date…

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With out this formula it will be very hard to calculate each day how many attendees we have, especially when it comes to a few hundred attendees

Comments: One Response to “How Do I Create a Formula To Count a Date Within a Range Of Dates?”

    1 month ago

    Lots of ways to do it. If B2 contains the start date, and C2 contains the end date, then D2 and on contains the 7 days of the week. Let's say D1 contained the actual date value. So in D2, you'd have a formula that looked at D1 and B2, and also D1 and C2. So then:
    Pay careful attention to the absolute row/column indicators. The $. D$1 means that only the column changes as you copy and paste from D2 to E2, the row, 1, stays the same. $B2 means that B remains steady, but the row changes as you paste into D3, D4, D5, etc.
    Then it is just a matter of using the footer row with COUNTIF. So the footer row in D would be COUNTIF(D,"✅").

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