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How Do I Create a Numbers Spreadsheet for Chores With Assigned Point Values?

Hello, I’m trying to make a spreadsheet on numbers for household chores. However, we’re not assigning chores to anyone. Instead we want to assign everyone a particular “debt” to pay per day/week/month etc… that they can “pay off” by completing various chores. However, not all chores are equal regarding their required effort thus I want to assign chores various values/prices (e.g., dishes 10 points; bathrooms 20 points). In the spreadsheet, I’d like for the 1st column to be chores (e.g., dishes, bathroom) and the first row to be days (e.g., 4/17, 4/18 etc) and for the cells inside the table to be able to just write who (e.g., Tom, Aly etc) completed the chore, then as the days go on and people write who completed what task I’d like Numbers to automatically add how many points each individual has accumulated based on which tasks they’ve completed and how much of their “debt” has been paid off.

Comments: 2 Responses to “How Do I Create a Numbers Spreadsheet for Chores With Assigned Point Values?”

    5 years ago

    That won't be easy to do with your initial table setup.
    I would have a second table that has People in the rows, and the same chores in the columns. Then use COUNTIF to add up the number of times someone has done a chore.
    So if Table 1 has 4/1 in row 2, and Dishes in Column B, and "Anthony" appears in B2. that means Anthony did the dishes on 4/1.
    Table 2 has the same columns: Dishes, Bathroom, etc. Row 2 is "Anthony." So then B2 in table 2 is
    COUNTIF(Table 1::B,A2)
    The value of A2 is "Anthony" so it counts the number of times Anthony is listed in column B of table 1, so the number of times Anthony did the dishes.
    In table 2, lets say columns B to F are the chores. Then column G would be the total. It could be a formula like this:
    B2*10 + C2*20 + D2*5 + E2*8 + F2*10
    Those multipliers are the point values of each chore. You could use LOOKUP to look those up in a third table instead of hard-coding them in to the formula.

    5 years ago

    Thank you

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