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How Do I Create Art Using My Photos ?

What app can I use/purchase to edit my photos to create eg art , water-colour look , comic etc on my Mac Book . I kn ow there are apps like this for my iPad but these do not work on a Mac book pro

Comments: 3 Responses to “How Do I Create Art Using My Photos ?”

    4 years ago

    Most image editing apps have filters to allow you to do these kinds of things. See for some ideas. Pixelmator Pro and Affinity Photo are probably the most popular.

    4 years ago

    Take a look at Waterlogue Pro. I have used Waterlogue on my iOS devices and think it does a great job of creating water colors from my photos.

    4 years ago

    Apple in the App store did an article on "Transform Your Pics Into Paintings". Here is a link

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