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How Do I Delete Data From My “Other Users & Shared” Folder?

What is “Other Users & Shared”? And how do I access it to delete data? Itʻs showing over 400GB of data.

This “Other Users & Shared” folder(?) is taking up way too much disc space.
Ken Bennett

Comments: 3 Responses to “How Do I Delete Data From My “Other Users & Shared” Folder?”

    1 week ago

    First, check in your Shared folder. To get there, open a Finder window and use the Go menu to go to "Computer." Then go down into your drive. Then down into Users. If there is a Shared folder there, then that's where anything in "Shared" would be. Look in there to see what you have.

    If it is "Other Users" that literally means other user accounts on your Mac. Like if you have created a second Mac user account, or maybe someone else like your spouse has an account on that Mac. To deal with that data, you'd log out of your account (Apple menu, Log Out) and log into the other one(s). Or, you can use Fast User Switching to switch to another account.

    Then once you are in that other account, you can see what files you have there in your Documents folder, Desktop folder, and anything else in your Home folder subfolders there.

    Beverly Waldron
    7 days ago

    Without logging out of my acct I found the Shared has 31 files saying"Previous Relocated items". I clicked on them and the each have 2 folder titled Library & Shared, but no folders. But something is taking up large GB.

    7 days ago

    Beverly: So there's nothing inside those folders? When you Get Info on them, how much space do they take up? If they don't take up much space, then they aren't the problem. Look elsewhere for what is taking up space. See

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