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How Do I Delete Multiple Text Messages At One Time From Different Numbers?

How to delete multiple messages at one time from different phone numbers. By messages I mean in the left column from multiple phone numbers (not the messages within each phone number).
I can only do it one at a time.
Janet Z

Comments: 9 Responses to “How Do I Delete Multiple Text Messages At One Time From Different Numbers?”

    3 months ago

    Those are called "Conversations."
    Select the first conversation. The hold the Command key down and select more conversations. You can also use the Shift key to select a range of conversations. The is the same technique you would use to select multiple files in the Finder, and multiple items in many other apps.
    Then with the conversations you want selected, go in the Menu Bar to Conversations, Delete Conversations...

    Janet Z
    3 months ago

    I think you may have misunderstood my question because what you told me doesn't work. I think a conversation is from one number or a group of numbers on the same conversation.

    I meant if there are multiple conversations from multiple numbers. For instance, I am getting lot of texts wanting to know if I'm for a particular candidate. They are all from different sources. I want to delete them all together so I don't have to delete them one at a time. TY.

    3 months ago

    Janet: Yes, I think I understood the first time. At least your reply is saying the same thing. You have multiple conversations in the left sidebar of Messages. So select those conversations, and then Conversations, Delete Conversations. It should delete all of the selected conversations. If that is not working for you, describe what is going on. Where does it go wrong?

    Janet Z
    3 months ago

    Thanks for following up. I hold down the command key or the shift key if all in a row and it only highlights the last conversation I clicked on, unlike when I do this in the Finder. So I only can delete that one conversation.

    3 months ago

    Janet: Which version of macOS are you on? Perhaps you are using an older version?

    Janet Z
    3 months ago

    Big Sur 11.7.4

    3 months ago

    Janet: Ah, where there you have the problem. You are several versions behind. You can't select multiple conversations in Big Sur.

    Janet Z
    3 months ago

    I guess time to upgrade. I'm always holding back out of fear that some apps won't work. Which of these do I need to upgrade to:
    macOS 15 Sequoia, Fall, 2024
    macOS 14 Sonoma, September 26, 2023
    macOS 13 Ventura, October 25, 2022
    macOS 12 Monterey, October 25, 2021

    3 months ago

    Janet: I can't recall off the top of my head when this was added, sorry. But why not upgrade as far as you can go? Your situation will only get worse the more you wait and you find other things aren't working either.

    Holding back because you are afraid some apps won't work isn't a viable solution. If your Mac broke today and you had to get a new one, it would be running Sonoma. So in that case you'd be forced to upgrade without any preparation. Avoid that. Instead, make a list of the apps you rely on, and check to see if they have any problems with new versions of macOS. Then update any apps that do or find replacements before you are forced to do so in the future anyway.

    Do note that Sequoia is just a beta now. The current version of macOS is Sonoma.

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